Ruben Aira, Jr.

Aina (2/50), 2018
Mixed Media - Oil Paint & Resin
84 x 18 in

Ruben Aira, Jr.

The Art of Surfboard Carving Many years ago in a house on top of Pupukea on the North Shore of Oahu, my journey of discovery in a new Hawaiian art form began to take shape. Hawai'i being the birthplace of Surfing and the North Shore being the center of the surfing world, I had all the material and inspiration I needed in order to bring my visions to life. With no teacher or examples to imitate, I slowly developed the tools and techniques that helped me take a Surfboard that had seen its glory days riding high waves, and transform it into a work of art that now hangs gracefully on high walls. Today I present the possiblitlies of what can be done within the fiberglass shell of a surfboard and the possiblilites of creating art for the land from a product made for the ocean. The reincarnation of a surfboard gives it new life as a family heirloom of a beloved board from days past, or a reminder of Hawai'I's beauty and the birthplace of surfing. Aloha! The Art of Surfboard Carving Many years ago in a house on top of Pupukea on the North Shore of Oahu, my journey of discovery in a new Hawaiian art form began to take shape. Hawai'i being the birthplace of Surfing and the North Shore being the center of the surfing world, I had all the material and inspiration I needed in order to bring my visions to life. With no teacher or examples to imitate, I slowly developed the tools and techniques that helped me take a Surfboard that had seen its glory days riding high waves, and transform it into a work of art that now hangs gracefully on high walls. Today I present the possiblitlies of what can be done within the fiberglass shell of a surfboard and the possiblilites of creating art for the land from a product made for the ocean. The reincarnation of a surfboard gives it new life as a family heirloom of a beloved board from days past, or a reminder of Hawai'I's beauty and the birthplace of surfing. Aloha!

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