As much at home in the water as on land, Scott's playground has always been the sea. Originally from La Jolla California he now resides in Kona Hawaii surrounded by his favorite loves…the Pacific Ocean and her inspiring marine life. An avid traveler and underwater photographer, Hanson uses his free diving skills (he free dives to over 100 ft. and his breath holds have been timed at over 5 minutes) to photograph what will later become his subjects in bronze and stainless steel. His reputation as a master sculptor has been recognized by individuals, corporations and celebrities worldwide. Commissions include such notable clients as Ford Motor Company, Excel Corporation, and Mandalay Bay with monumental sculptures to eighteen feet tall. As much at home in the water as on land, Scott's playground has always been the sea. Originally from La Jolla California he now resides in Kona Hawaii surrounded by his favorite loves…the Pacific Ocean and her inspiring marine life. An avid traveler and underwater photographer, Hanson uses his free diving skills (he free dives to over 100 ft. and his breath holds have been timed at over 5 minutes) to photograph what will later become his subjects in bronze and stainless steel. His reputation as a master sculptor has been recognized by individuals, corporations and celebrities worldwide. Commissions include such notable clients as Ford Motor Company, Excel Corporation, and Mandalay Bay with monumental sculptures to eighteen feet tall.