Shannon The World's Greatest Beatles Artist

The Eyes Have It
Acrylic On Canvas
36 x 36 in
THE EYES HAVE IT: Paul McCartney as a very young Beatle in 1964. This painting won first place at an event in NYC and has remained in Shannon's personal Collection since 1997.

Shannon The World's Greatest Beatles Artist

World's Greatest Beatles Artist Shannon MacDonald


Born and raised on music and art, Shannon has combined both music and art as a stepping stone to achieve her goals. In past years, Shannon’s art has become as familiar as the internationally recognized celebrities she showcases in her exquisite paintings. Inspired by the contributions of her subjects to the entertainment industries, as well as the worlds of sports and politics, Shannon has an extraordinary ability to capture the distinct energy and spirit of each of her subjects and to reflect these unmistakable qualities through her wonderfully vivid creations. Combined with a tremendous flair for originality and daring expression, Shannon possess an uncanny ability to express the grace, dignity, strength, and intensity which have elevated her subjects to positions of irrefutable recognition and prestige.


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